April 30, 2009
April 22, 2009
April 19, 2009
April 09, 2009
【Speech】The Globle Achievement Gap
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
- Collaboration across networks and leading by influence
- Agility and adaptability
- Initiative and enterepreneurialism
- Effective oral and written communication
- Accessing and analyzing information
- Curiosity and imagination
We must learn how to improve, how to make it matter and how to get higher quality. The ability to ask right questions is important as well. Besides, now we oftenly need to work with a group of peers. And we have to organize all things together, lead a group and inspire or guide others. Also, One needs to know happening around the world and to learn how to do analysis among millions information and make his/her own statement more persuasive. At the same time, One have to be an initiator.
Wagner mentioned that, our kids now need to memorize lots of thing for taking test. Our students are not learn the skills they need. In fact, the skills they need can not be tested. But here comes my question which is same as I raised in Yivonne's speech few months ago. Take "critical thinking" for example, how do we assess our students' ability of critical thinking? Wagner said we can find out something from profolio they made. Is that quite simple?
He told some motivatives of net generation including "always-on" connection, less feer and respect for authority, learn much from peers, want to make a difference and have their own way of self-expressing. So what can now parents and teachers do? He thought to be a educators, we must help them understand the 21 century skills matter most. That's the reason why he wanted to make some possible action items for reinventing education. What's more, we must create opportunities for teachers to work in teams to create new approachs to education.
April 03, 2009
大四的時候,推甄上研究所;美教組的學長姐請我幫忙第一屆美教論壇,我在論文發表會上第一次看見夏老師,那天夏老師脖子有點傷,在他擔任評論人的時候,他從容的走向台前,先跟大家抱歉他休閒的穿著並說他早上曾經想過要穿上西裝但不甚方便還是作罷;我心中想著:夏學理怎麼這麼年輕 ? 感覺在同個領域經常出現的作者應該都是德高望重的老教授。夏老師的評論是那天多位評論者中,我覺得很精準的一位。
April 01, 2009
【甜繪本#1】Le Sucre
有沒有在玩偶欄裡? 啊,這是熊寶寶布偶
有在書架裡嗎? 啊。這本大象的書我看過
有在廚房嗎? 啊。有媽媽做的蘋果果醬,好好吃呦...
Le sucre 和 Gaspard et Lisa可愛的地方在於,看著他們的故事,彷彿可以拾回心中被遺忘的單純,讓你打開童真的心,和他們一起沉溺在一個絲毫不複雜的簡單世界裡,自在地悠游;就像在雲朵下休息,可以暫時拋開外面天空的一切風雨。