December 07, 2008

Letters & photos from Beijing friends

(photos by Joanna in hutong and summer palace)

Hi Sylvia,
Thank you so much for your kindness in Beijing. You are so beautiful and life of life! --Jo

Dear Sylvia,

What a pleasure to read your mail this morning; (in fact it is still the night in Paris, but due to the jet lag my night was very short), That was also a great pleasure to meet you and to share these Beijing experiences with you.

Yes we went to a great place with Ann and both of us have bought many many things at a very reasonable price.Thanks for the pictures, they are great and a very good memory of our trips. You are a very nice person and I love your wonderful smile and energy. I wish you a very nice day and send you a big kiss. --Bernard



Dear 徐:
看見你的相片就像看見春天開滿鮮花的花園,又陽光又可愛。我也很高興能在研討會認識你,可惜時間匆忙未能好好交流,希望以後能有機會見面。我看了你的論文,我覺得你有很強的研究能力。在臺灣有很多非常出色的研究者,你身在其中是一件幸福的事情。每個月的週六下午在臺北有一個袁汝儀老師組織的“藝鼠”交流會,有時間的話,我覺得你可以去聽一下。確實,認識多一點志同道合的朋友很重要。 --華年
Dear 立璇:


JoRees said...

Wow Sylvia,

What a pleasure to get such compliments from Bernard.

Best wishes,


Li-Hsuan said...

Dear Joanna: see the pic you took for me, how wonderful! You are someone who made my Beijing trip unforgettable :) Besides, we're so lucky seeing Bernard there, isn't it?

Let us have some tea on Tuseday, I enjoy the time being with you.